Tuesday, February 14, 2006

I just read an article that got me thinking about my past christian days and the concept that all you have to do is accept Jesus as your personal saviour and you will be instantly transformed. The writer of the article expresses some envy over this notion because it seems to imply that there is no work involved in the born again christian world. Well I know from my own experience that this seems to be a misunderstanding not only of those who profess the born again faith but also of those looking in from the outside. I think it is quite plain that no change will happen if you don't hold your mind in check.

More and more I think the notion of being born again, being saved etc. is not unlike the belief that buddhists have about being enlightened. Apparently when you do awake you realize you were always awake, that you have buddha nature. Attachment to things is an obstacle to seeing your true essence. There are certainly obstacles for the christian who claims to be saved to realizing that salvation.

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