Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Back in the saddle.

I was challenged lately at the Eden Mills writer's festival by a friend. We were talking about blogs and I mentioned I have a blog but I haven't written anything on it for a few months. He said that isn't a blog! I said it is an artifact of the blogosphere and realized I didn't want to be an artifact. So I am back.

I think the reason that I haven't blogged for a while is that I am writing about my spiritual experience and to be quite honest things are a bit stalled for me. Not to say I'm not still meditating and thinking about connection with truth but I am not having those so called insights that I was having. Life, stuff like working and repairing the homestead and people getting married and people breaking up, has been getting in the way. Now I am realizing that is all part of the big picture, so out the artifacts and into the art.

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