Friday, July 09, 2010

ebooks format and perception

Hi there:

A couple of problems I wanted you to be aware of. I was enjoying reading The Girl Who Played with Fire on my iphone with the kobo app. Then I upgraded to the 4.0 kobo app and you lost my bookmark. A bit of a pain with an ebook for sure but I forgive you.

Then I was reading along when I came to a passage that is supposed to be an icq exchange with Plague and Salander and the text in tags ran off the screen. I changed the font size to the smallest possible but it still didn't fit. I would have loved looking at the epub to see what was what but I didn't. Not sure who is at fault here - your conversion or publishers but I can say I blamed your app. Also, wondered how I get a new ebook if there is a fix for this? (As an aside I did go to the source! the pbook to see what I was missing)

Anyway I know there is a lot of crap that goes on in ebooks but because this is such a high profile ebook I thought I would write.

Oh yeah, you lost my bookmark again when I went back in the book to find where the passage was so I could take a photo of it (attached)!

Posted via email from Tim's posterous

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