Friday, April 30, 2010

More about me and my reading:

I am struggling with my reading right now. At the side of my bed I have the last in the Harry Potter series - you know that book about those wizards and muggles and things? I bought this trade paper copy of the book at Hanukkah to give to my nephew but he already had read it so I kept it. Mind you I had bought a hard cover of the book when it first came out and my wife read it then we gave it away to my mom - who is a voracious reader.

I finally picked up Harry after just having read The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo on the iphone and I have to say I was torn and maybe even disappointed. Here I thought -ok back to the format I love -pbooks. But what I am experiencing is how crappy pbooks can be. I am finding the type dim, the margins crowded, the feel of the paper inadequate and the binding threateningly flimsy, not to mention I don't always have this book with me.

So what I am finding is that I want to read on the iphone again! I tried to prevent this, god knows I tried -but really the reading on the iphone is so much better than especially this trade paper version. I feel ripped off that I bought this piece of crap that probably won't make it through one reading. Sure I can loan it out but there won't be anything to loan out. And in that spirit of loaning without expectation of getting the thing back - I would just have to buy another copy of this book again anyway.

So what is my point? ebooks ebooks ebooks. Get me the content - I am ready to pay. Get me the ipad - I am ready for a slightly bigger screen. Get me out of Kindle drm prison! Let me read anywhere on any device and get me away from these smelly lousy paper things!

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